A reddish-brown quartz (citrine) sold as hessonite garnet from Madagascar

The hessonite garnet is an interesting grossular garnet whose color ranges from honey-yellow to orange-brown and brown-red. One of the distinguishing characteristics of hessonite is a "treacly" quality - when viewed under magnification one can see undulating, contorted areas of lesser transparency. These subtle inclusions are a useful key in distinguishing hessonite from other gemstones of similar color, such as citrine, zircon and topaz. Hessonite may also include tiny crystal of apatite, calcite and zircon. The stone in figure 1, is reddish-brown/orange to nearly red while exposed to warm lights such as halogen ones. The color in the picture is not exactly what is observed in reality, it is either more brown or more red depending on the light source. The stone being quite big, unaided eye observations do not show the 'swirly' effect  nor the 10x lens observations. Tanzanian deep orange/brown hessonite sometime do not show or weakly show the swirly/treacly appearance.

hessonite2014 brown 400Figure 1. The 20.14 ct reddish-brown stone sold as hessonite garnet.
Shape  cushion
Size  19.0 x 15.5 x 10.5 mm
Color  reddish-orange/brown, almost dark red in incandescent light
Lustre  vitreous
Weight  20.14 ct
SG  2.65 [hessonite garnet: 3.57-3.67, quartz: 2.62-2.67]
RI  1.542 - 1.552 [hessonite garnet: 1,727-1,771, quartz: 1.543-1.554]
DR  0.008 - Uniaxe positive [hessonite garnet: isotropic, quartz: U+]
Pleochroism  none
Polariscope / Conoscope  light/dark 4 times / 360°, bull's eye interference pattern observed with conoscope (usually in quartz) - optical axis is || to the stone's length
SWUV  inert
LWUV  inert
Magnetic susceptibility N52  N52: (-0.06 ct) -> very slightly attracted [quartz is usually diamagnetic]
Chelsea filter  reddish to red

Table 1. Observational and measured properties

Optical and physical properties (table 1) do not match the hessonite garnet ones but they do exactly match that of quartz except for the magnetic susceptibility. Some citrine colored by iron can be weakly attracted by a magnet.
Optical anisotropy of material can be observed by looking at the doubling of inclusions and facet edges (figure 2). The stone, even if it looks rather clean, it is heavily included: highly reflective healed fracture (golden inclusions in figure 1), elongated solid or tube inclusion (figure 2), etc. While immersed in water (figure 3), the stone shows some highly reflective inclusions that are viewed black in transmitted light. The bottom-right quarter of the picture shows straight color-zoning in two directions and the bottom-left quarter a curved color-zoning for which the difference in color is noticeable. The later is difficult to detect without immersion.

quartz2014 ex hessonite doubling 400Figure 2. Doubling of inclusions and facet edge.
quartz2014 ex hessonite in water 400Figure 3. The stone put in water let see some highly reflective
inclusions that are viewed black in transmitted light. The bottom-right
quarter of the picture shows straight color-zoning in two directions
and the bottom-left quarter a curved color-zoning for which the
difference in color is noticeable.

Infrared reflectance spectroscopy:

The IR reflectance spectrum (figure 4), acquired from the table, exhibits the characteristic spectrum of the quartz  specie which is unambiguously different of that of hessonite grossular garnet.
irs quartz 2014 ReddishBrown Madagascar ex hessoniteFigure 4. The IR reflectance spectrum, acquired from the table, exhibits the characteristic spectrum of the quartz specie which is unambiguously different of that of hessonite grossular garnet.

UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy:

The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrum (figure 5) was acquired with the light path perpendicular to the table and entering the stone at the culet point. The light path is therefore perpendicular to the C-axis (C-axis || stone's length). It shows a strong absorption below 600 nm while the light from the red to NIR region is almost unabsorbed. Such absorption pattern produces the dark-orange / reddish-brown color.

uvvis quartz 2014 ReddishBrown Madagascar ex hessoniteFigure 5. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrum of the 20.14 ct reddih-brown stone shows a strong absorption below 600 nm while the light from the red to NIR region is almost unabsorbed. Such absorption pattern produces the dark-orange or reddish-brown color.

Citrine's color (yellow to orange-brown quartz variety) is possibly explained by the following causes:

  • O2-→Fe3+ charge transfer (Fritsch & Rossman 1988), microscopic iron particles around 100 nm in diameter as hematite (Fe2O3) ex-solution. The Uv-Vis-NIR absorption spectrum is characterized by an absorption edge as the one in figure 5 but with the main difference that it is located between 400 and 500 nm. Such a citrine are usually the result of the heat-treatment at 400-500° C of amethyst (the violet color variety of quartz) and does not show any pleochroism.
  • Al-bearing quartz with Al3+ replacing Si4+ (silicon) where the charge difference is compensated by alkali ions such as Na, K, Li or H3O+. The UV-Vis-NIR sabsorption spectrum is characterized by three rather flat bands in the visible domain centered at 670, 486 and 427 nm. These 3 bands are also accompanied by two bands in the UV domain at 314 and 270 nm. Such a citrine show a weak pleochroism of two different yellow color.

The figure 3 spectrum of this reddish-brown quartz is similar to that of citrine colored by iron except the absorption edge which is shifted to 500-600 nm. This is consistent with the unusual reddish-brown color of the stone.

Photoluminescence spectroscopy:

No photoluminescence observed with 254, 365, 405 nm sources.


This 20.14 ct reddish-brown stone is a quartz that can be put in the citrine category because of its color. Quartz specie is indicated by the optical and physical properties of the classical gemology and confirmed by the IR spectroscopy. The strong reddish-brown color is likely caused by iron but it is not possible to state the color was obtained or not by heat-treatment of an amethyst.